About Dr. Iris Chen
minimalist | scientist | globetrotter | dancer | foodie | diver | designer | environmentalist
Iris still giggles the same way she did when she’s three.
Iris has a PhD in Statistics from University of Rochester and a MS in Biostatistics from Columbia University School of Public Health with extensive experience in health related data science from leading research institutes and biotech companies. But the art of living is her passion. She regularly recharges in the sun in Southern California.
Why Sensational + Well?
The near-death experiences, the temporary worse-than-death pseudocoma, and health related hardships make Iris see life through a more vibrant and nuanced lens. They make gratitude taste sweeter. The utter acceptance of death in a split second and yet being returned by death shook her up and transformed her sensory relationship with everything in life to a different level. Because of this, she seeks and creates sensational experiences even out of the most seemingly ordinary tasks. She requires higher purity, potency and simplicity in life and fully embodies in the existence so the life given back to her is not a waste.
Sensational experiences doesn’t mean the lack of physical or financial wellness. Being healthy doesn’t mean a boring diet. Suffering from injury or surgery doesn’t mean the end of fitness. Alarming lab results doesn’t mean you can’t live well. Traveling doesn’t mean your life is enriched. Living life to the fullest doesn’t mean loving life to the fullest. Iris has experienced enough to find the delicate balance to a Sensational + Well life. She wants to help you create your own.
“Love life to the fullest!”
Dr. Iris Chen
Why is this valuable to you?
Step by step, Iris will share with you the most well-rounded knowledge, tools, and opportunities to create your own Sensational + Well life, in daily living and in traveling. These are living wisdoms and tips she found in her tenacious exploring, with her expertise in distilling insights from nuances, optimization, her passion in the art of living, and her courage to be vulnerable.
Ultimately, you will be empowered to redefine and re-approach wellness as you embark on this journey with Iris. You will find the right balance for yourself. You will feel liberated to enjoy life. You will be sensational. You will be well.
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